Tuesday, September 20, 2022
In Jacksonville, Florida Carly is visiting Virginia Benson’s grave. She places flowers on the ground. She says It seems appropriate that she ended up in Jacksonville talking to her mothers grave. She claimed she was eager to return to Port Charles and take control of the life she knew was rightfully hers. She is now aware of her mother’s meaning when she would tell her that she was beautiful just the way she was. As she is talking to her mothers grave she tells her about running into Mrs. Honeycutt, that she saw her at the hotel. She tells her mom that she was so very wrong about so many things. When one of the Night Watchmen passes by and notices her there, he informs Carly that the graves are being relocated and that no one should be in the cemetery. They are clearing the way, she is informed, for a road leading to the shore. Carly is furious as to why she was not informed and is certain that Ms. Honecutt and her Jacksonville Beautification Guild are somehow connected. The watchman looks up the information about this grave and lets Carly know that a message was left for Jason Morgan. Peyton Honeycutt is Carly’s target, and she’s on the move. She finds her in the hotel restaurant, She informs her that there is absolutely no chance in hell that she will have her mother’s grave moved. Peyton’s best advice to her is to board that flight to Aruba and avoid returning to Jacksonville at all costs. Carly tells her that she must have lost her mind. She is not going anywhere, she plans to stay in Jacksonville and fight for her mother.
Once more, Jordan is at the hospital, and who does she run into by the elevators? Yep, Curtis. For the umpteenth time, she swears that she did indeed sign the divorce papers and that she placed them in her office’s outbox. That was the last time she saw them. Curtis asks if he had not asked for a divorce does Jordan think they would still be married. She acknowledges that despite having signed the divorce papers, she still had feelings for him, she also lets him know that she is pulling for him and Portia. She wishes them much happiness.
We return to Doctor Collins’ office, where Liz is still under hypnosis. She in telling the women in her memories to stay away from her father. She thinks she knows the woman, instead she flashes back to finding Peter August at the bottom of the stairs. Kevin pulls her from the hypnosis when she starts to panic. Elizabeth is done for now, she tells Kevin she cannot do this, but he suggests they try again next week. As she exits Kevin’s office, Finn catches her in his arms. Liz believes that the experience with Peter made her remember something from when she was younger. Liz claims she was unable to see who shoved the woman. Liz is brought back to other upsetting memories when Finn promises her they would climb that mountain together. Liz & Finn are interrupted by Portia who needs to speak privately with Finn. Liz leaves and heads for Kevin’s office once more. She has a recollection. Liz thinks it is possible that her father shoved the woman down the stairs.
Sonny meets a man at the hospital who reminds him of his dad. He sits with him as they are having a conversation and the lights flicker. The Man tells Sonny that he is needed.
In Brando’s hospital room, he is flatlining and Sasha is screaming for help. Portia runs into Brando’s room and sees that his pulse is dropping. She asks Sasha to wait outside while Portia and a nurse begin compressions. Sasha begins to pray. She wants Brando to fight for them. She is experiencing memories of them during their relationship in flashbacks. Sasha is viewing images of herself and Brando. She desperately wants another chance to be with him. The lights flicker. Portia comes out of Brando’s room. She apologizes for not being able to save him. Sasha tells Portia that they cannot take both Liam and Brando.Nina and Gladys walk up, Sasha informs them that Brando is gone. Both Sasha and Gladys are sobbing. This is a nightmare they both hope to wake up from soon.
Sonny approaches Nina, Gladys, and Sasha to inquire about the situation. Sonny is informed by Nina that Brando passed away; he did not survive. Sonny wants to see him, so he enters the hospital room. Sasha, Gladys and Nina go with Sonny to see Brando. He vows to look after Sasha and Gladys for Brando. Sasha gently strokes his face.
Portia finds Finn to let him know they lost Brando. Portia tells him, I’m hoping you can tell me why. Finn tells her that he treats infectious diseases, so how can he possibly be of assistance. Portia explains to him that there might have been a more sinister reason.
Alexis tells Gregory that Kristina is unsettled after witnessing the attack on Brando. They talk about if the public has the right to know what is going on. Alexis wants Gregory’s opinion on what to write in the paper. She tells him this is very scary. Writing an open letter to to a person who is terrorizing the town. You want to confront the murderer, then. Gregory remarked, “So you think you can succeed?” Being informed and attentive of your surroundings could aid in the progress of the investigation. They then overhear the nurses discussing Brando’s passing.

TJ is talking with Aunt Stella about Brando, and is happy he is going to pull through Curtis And Jordan run into Stella and TJ. Portia tells TJ about Brando. He is angry at how this came about. He is perplexed as to how Brando might deteriorate and pass away so suddenly. The 4 of them stand in a circle and pray for Brando and his loved ones.
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