Wednesday, September 21, 2022
On today’s episode of The Drew Barrymore Show, Lea Michelle, who is presently playing Fanny Brice in the Broadway production of “Funny Girl,” is the guest. Michele claims to have landed her dream job, she and Drew talk about where and what she was doing when she got the call. If I could have fallen to my knees on the side of the road when my agents told me, “You’re going to be Fanny Brice on Broadway,” I would have. Funny enough, one of my dear friends from “Spring Awakening,” Gideon, happened to be walking by and noticed me. He knew, he just instinctively knew that I was getting the call. He took pictures of me. He has these pictures of me just standing on the corner, I was so happy. She now has the enormous challenge of attempting to save the struggling Broadway production and demonstrating that she has changed that she is not the person she was when starred on Glee. I feel like the timing was ideal for me to be playing this dream role on Broadway while also being a mother and a wife, living back in New York. The good life!

To hear the complete interview, check out The Drew Barrymore Show today. Check your local listing for times in your area.
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