Monday, October 10, 2022
Sonny and Nina enter the Metro Court Gardens’ location of the reception for Brando’s memorial service. Maxie, Dante, Sam walk in followed by Sasha, Gladys, and Olivia. Willow and Michael are there. Willow reminds Michael what today is about Brando, Sasha & Gladys, Sasha is struck by how lovely everything appears after receiving careful touches. She tells Nina how appreciative she is of her thoughtfulness in organizing this all. She breaks down in tears as she sees a picture of Brando.

Sonny raises a glass in honor of Brando and remarks on how he left way too soon. He cared about everyone, and he had a great heart. a constant desire to always do the right thing. Olivia comes up to Nina, who advises her to not start today. She is just there to thank her For putting the reception together and how lovely it was. Nina thanks her for the acknowledgement.
As TJ checks in on Willow, she tells him that Nina saw them hugging at the hospital and thinks they are having an affair. Nina can’t stop staring at them. TJ is in shock. Willow tells him not to let it get to him, and Nina just judges everyone by her own low standards. Across the room, Michael hugs Sasha and says he’s there for her if she needs anything. Sam and Dante discuss Brando. She tells him that she knows Brando now has Mike. Dante comments how he admires Sasha’s courage.
TJ goes up to Nina and asks her why she stuck her nose in someone else’s business, suggesting that he and Willow are having an affair. She tells him whatever is going on with your friendship with Willow, take It from me, you don’t want Michael as your enemy. Michael seeks out Dante, hopes he can find who did this. Michael continues with his attack on Sonny, telling Dante that Sonny took matters into his own hands and terrorized Dex. . Dante asks Michael to put it on hold for today. Today should be only about Sasha.
Gladys tells Sonny she can’t be brave like Sasha. Gladys wants to pack up and move back to Bridgeport. Sonny tells her that she has to be here for Sasha. Sonny tells her that she doesn’t have to grieve alone. She and Sasha need each other more than ever now, He reminds her that they are his family, the most important thing to him and he is always just a text or phone call away. They will all be each other’s strength. Gladys instructs Sonny to make amends with Michael. Willow seeks out Sasha, she takes her hands and apologizes for not being there more for her. She said her life is not perfect. Willow said things are not smooth sailing. Good things and bad things can happen at the same time.

Curtis is at Jordan’s office after being summoned. She said the divorce papers are ready to go. Curtis doesn’t understand what happened to the original papers. Jordan reminds him that she is not perfect, no one is. She honestly does not know what happened to the originals. She offers him the receipt as proof of her recent filing. Jordan just wants him to be happy. She has always been willing to fight for their marriage but she knows how he values honesty and that was her fault. Jordan starts to say something about Trina. They are interrupted by the ring of her office phone. The swing Hook has struck again. There is a victim on the pier.
At the Dock, the dead body of John Doe {Oz} has been put into a body bag. Lurking in the background in her black hoodie is Esme. She stares at the crime scene and feels one scumbag gone, lucky for her. No pity here. Off to Windermere she goes. Esme is standing there, trying to use her key, the locks have been changed.
Ava is at the hospital for a checkup with Portia. Portia shares with her that she is worried about Ava’s well being. She heard that she closed her gallery which is her baby. Ava explains it was something she had to do to protect herself, and to protect Trina. She would never get over it if something happened to Trina on her watch. Portia wants to make sure that she is safe at Windemere. Ava tells Portia that she is not staying there. She is staying at Nina’s where she feels even safer due to Sonny’s protection. Portia understands the love she has for Nikolas and can see Ava iis still in love with him. Portia has no respect for Spencer either. She just hopes Ava can move past Nik and never looks back.
Portia is escorting Ava out, when Amy stops them and tells them another person was attacked. The body was brought in as a John Doe, but she recognized him as the bartender from Trina’s trial. Panicked, Ava heads into the elevator and Portia heads off to find Curtis.
Portia shows up at Jordan’s office, Curtis is still there. He tells Portia that the divorce papers have been officially filed. She informs him of the latest victim and identifies him as Oz Haggery. Portia has been thinking and she now feels that Trina is the common denominator. Jordan states Brando is the exception. Curtis exclaims unless Brando was not the target. Jordans says true as she remembers Josslyn was also in the alley that night, who would be connected to Trina.
Joss shows up at Dex’s apartment. He opens the door with his bruised chest showing. She asks him why he is not at the hospital. Joss helps him button his shirt because his wrists are sore. He thanks her for the help. She explains that he can thank her by going to the cops. Dex doesn’t want to get the cops involved. Joss said he should quit the organization. He states who said I want out. Joss says “I hope you can see him for who he is before it’s too late.” (Who thinks Dex is an undercover officer?)
Nikolas and Victor have returned to Wyndemere. Victor declares that he hopes Nikolas has filed divorce papers against Ava as Nikolas puts documents in his safe. They again have a disagreement about his love for Ava and his refusal to get a divorce. What else does Ava have on him, Victor presses Nik. Nik claimed that nothing exists. He claimed that Ava trusted him. Both turn as they hear noises coming from outside.

Victor checks the door, Ava is standing there. Nikolas, thinking she has come home, quickly asks why she is there. Ava informs them that she had come to tell them there had been another attack (what happened to the ole cellie) and she needs some of her clothing. Instead of packing them herself she instructs Nik to have the help pack them and send them over to Nina’s. He thanks her for the warning as Victor offers to see her out. In the meantime the she-devil Esme sneaks in through the side gate, going straight for the safe (where is Nikolas?)
As the memorial comes to a close, Nina suggests Michael see Willow home as she appears tired. Willow states she’s fine, and out of spite asks TJ to take her home. As they leave, Sonny needs to speak to Michael alone. Nina leaves them alone, and Sonny tells him about Gladys’ advice to make things right between them before it’s too late.
Esme is trying to remember the combination to the safe. She is working so hard on opening the safe she is not paying attention with her back to the room. (Oh, Esme) when Nikolas barks at her, “Who the hell are you?” As Esme turns to face Nikolas!
Dante is seen knocking on Dex’s door.