Cast who appeared in todays episode:
- Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros)
- Ava Jerome (Maura West)
- Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton)
- Violet Finn (Jophielle Love)
- Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison)
- Terry Randolph (Cassandra James)
- Elizabeth Webber (Rebecca Herbst)
- Cody Bell (Josh Kelly)
- Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud)
- Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy)
- Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma
- Dex Heller (Evan Hofer)
- Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy)
- Cameron Webber (William Lipton)
Sets Used on today’s episode:
- Reeves Penthouse
- Hospital Nurses Station
- Hospital Finn’s Office
- Kelly’s Diner on the Waterfront
- Metro Court Garden
- Bank Vault
Hospital Lobby
- Liz is going over the last details with Camron before her trip.
- Liz and Terry are off to a medical Convention in Monterey.
- Cameron is in charge of watching his siblings.
- Liz does not want Joss staying over.
- No chance of that, Joss & Cam have had a white elephant in the room since the video was released.
- Cameron is worried about his mom running into her parents in Monterey.
- Liz will be fine, Cameron leaves for work.
Nurse’s Station
- Terry and Finn are having a conversation.
- Finn knows Terry is covering for Elizabeth.
- Gregory and Violet arrive at the hospital.
- Violet is excited about going out later to find her new halloween costume.
- Finn instruces them to wait for him in his office.
- Violet would like her daddy’s phone so she can watch Uncle Chase at the Savoy.

Dr Finn’s Office
- Violet sees a picture of Reiko with her dad on the phone
- She would like to know who she is,
- He explains it was his wife who was very sick and passed away.
- She tells him she is sorry and gives him a big hug.
- Liz drops by to say goodbye to Finn.
- Violet tells her that she made her daddy sad.
- Finn explains the picture and details to Liz.
- He was not ready to talk to Violet about it.
- It was a very painful time in his life.
- Terry arrives and lets Liz know they need to hit the road.
- Elizabeth asks if Finn will check on the boys
- They hug, tell each other how much they will miss the other.
- Liz is off on her new adventure with Terry.
Bank Vault
- Britt and Cody make their way to the bank to retrieve Peter’s deposit box.
- A very nice man at the bank retrieves the box and leaves them to privacy.
- Britt is hesitant, she just stares at the box.
- Cody asks what if the box is empty?
- Britt opens the package to a huge diamond necklace.
- This piece of jewelry must be worth millions.
- Where did Peter get them and what is the story?
- Britt wonders if they are real.
- Cody can check for her if she has a compac.
- Cody checks out the jewels by scratching them on a glass mirror.
- It will complicate my life. Cody said we have made peace.
- Cody checks out the jewels by scratching them on a glass mirror.
- Britt decides she will keep them at the bank for safe keeping.
- This apparently is not what Cody wanted to hear, he pauses before walking out.
Kelly’s Diner on the Waterfront
- Joss is sending a message to Trina.
- She hopes she is having fun on her trip with Rory.
- Dex arrives at Kelly’s and says hello to Joss.
- He knows she is not a happy camper with him.
- He is trying to make peace with her.
- Dex again tells Josslyn how grateful he is to her for the rescue.
- She does not want him to work for Sonny.
- Sonny apologized and he needs the job.
- He has disappointed Josslyn.
- It is complicated, she will need to trust him.
- Dex feels Sonny is an honorable man.
- Josslyn laughs that one off.
- Sonny has never been an honorable man.
- Sonny screwed over Jason and her mom.
- She does not want that to happen to him.
- Cameron walks in the diner.
- What is it about this guy that gets you so worked up?
- Josslyn confesses she rescued Dex from Sonny who had him hanging in a meat locker.
- Joss feels like the world is upside down.
- He lets her know that he already knew she had rescued Dex.
- Michael had already told him.
- Why was that a big secret?
- We haven’t been on the same page for a while.
- Cameron is correct, they have not been able to come up for air since the tape was released.
- Josslyn and Camern admit they miss each other.
- Promise to have a date night soon,
- This leads to a big hug and kiss.

Reeses Penthouse
- Ava at Nina’s making herself a martini.
- The Queen of Martini’s offers to make Nina one.
- She would love that,
- Nina wants to know how long is this roommate situation going to last?
- Ava asks if she is no longer welcome.
- Of course not.
- Nina feels Ava is avoiding problems with her husband.
- Ava admits she is conflicted.
- Are you planning Nik’s demise?
- Nik made a gesture to show me I could trust him.
- He gave you the means to ruin him?
- What did Nik do?
- He did nothing wrong.
- She did but he is willing to take the wrap.
- Ava knows Nik would lay down his life for her.
- Nina pulls out the confession letter Nikolas gave her.
As she opens it there is only a note that reads, “Missing Something?”

Metro Court Garden
- Victor meets up with Nik, whom he is not pleased with.
- He demands Nikolas quit stalling and get the divorce to Nina in the works.
- It is not gonna happen uncle.
- Things have changed and Victor is on a to know basis.
- Victor ran into Ava.
- You had no right behind my back
- Victor thinks Nik has no control here.
- Nick is very sorry that his martial woes are tough on you
- Victor thinks Nikolas and Valetin are two of a kind.
- Victor has the letter Nik wrote to Ava.
- Victor tells Nik you will do as I say and divorce Ava.
- If you do not, I will take you out.
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