October 15, 2022, artists, prominent business leaders, and other adoption supporters gathered on the iconic New York Street on the Radford Lot in Studio City for the 8th Annual Baby Ball Gala, which was hosted by AdoptTogether, the largest fundraising platform that connects children with their forever families around the world.
Hank Fortener, the founder of AdoptTogether, hosted the event. Guests mingled to the sounds of DJ Young Guru while nibbling on canapés from Curtis Stone Events and sipping specialty drinks from Nosotros Tequila Mezcal, Madre Mezcal, and Moet & Chandon Champagne.
Guests included Jonathan Tucker, Malin Akerman, Jack Donnelly, Curtis Stone, Lindsay Price, Channing Dungey, Jimmy Akingbola, Eric Winter, Roselyn Sanchez, Sara Rue, Rebecca Budig, Jason Thompson, just to name a few and over 200 additional attendees.

Jonathan Tucker, Bellamy Young, and Tanika Ray each offered moving testimonies in a video compilation that served as the event’s opening act. The live auction that followed featured celebrity chef Curtis Stone as the auctioneer. Visitors can place bids on donation gift packages for a variety of opulent getaways, such as a Dominique Belle Getaway in Sonoma, CA, a Las Vegas Getaway, and Park City Getaways.
Hank Fortener, founder of AdoptTogether, claims that “family is the undefeated alternative.” “Families have proven to be the most effective structure for fostering human growth and safety, according to research. There is no method, no system, just a family.
The sooner children are included into a family, the sooner their safety, future, education, and way of life are secured. Even though families aren’t ideal, they are the only institution in existence that enables children to grow up in safety.
AdoptTogether is able to support families who are adopting thanks to the money generated at Baby Ball every year. The sold-out event this year brought together supporters to launch World Adoption Day, which occurs on November 9. Every year, a day is set aside by AdoptTogether’s annual campaign to honor families and everyone who has been affected by adoption. This year, supporters will make a donation to the cause by sharing a photo of a cheerful face they’ve painted on their hands along with the hashtag #worldadoptionday on social media.
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