Jon Lindstrom, who just tweeted, recently mentioned a movie that is near and dear to him, in which he had a role: “TEN-CENT DAISY holds a special place in my heart. A mysterious, magical journey! Movies make everything possible. Thank you #LisbonOkafor & #DominiqueDawson for inviting me into the magic. Premieres on digital & limited theatrical October 28, 2022.
TEN-CENT DAISY, and Indie film, Directed by Lisbon Okafor
Cast: Jamal Ademola (Otis), Dionne Audain (Violet), Zack Gold (Drew), Gordon Greene (Leonce), David Germaine (Young Leonce) Larvel Hood (Rodorigo), Ameenah Kaplan (Orchid), Margaret Laurena Kemp (Meera),
Jon Lindstrom (Rickard), Lauren Michelle (Daisy), Siranne Garness (Young Daisy)
Plot: Three sisters from a fishing village in the West Indies take refuge in Berkeley, California, following a traumatic event that threatens to reveal a centuries-old family secret. A decade later, the bond between the sisters has splintered, leaving the youngest, Daisy– the embodiment of the secret, vulnerable. Each sister struggles to stay afloat when news from home forces them to reconnect and face the demons that drove them away.
The ABFF reported the following quote from Director Lisbon Okafor.
Okafor says the idea for the story came over 20 years ago when he was traveling to Grenada for his mother-in-law’s funeral. Okafor learned of a local girl who was ostracized by her family and community because of her “peculiarities.” A similar situation in Okafor’s village in eastern Nigeria occurred when a young girl with Down’s syndrome was bullied for years because people simply didn’t understand her differing ability. “The tendency to treat people we don’t understand differently is all too common,” Okafor explains.
While sharing his history as bedtime stories with his daughter, he was delighted to see how the more fantastical elements of his story gripped her. Oafor thought this presented a great opportunity to tell the diverse stories of immigrant women of color. To view “TEN-CENT DAISY” under this lens really brings out the whimsical elements to Daisy’s personality. Her demeanor is almost childlike and steeped in innocence, which you will see stolen from her.
“Ten-Cent Daisy “premiered at the following USA Film Festivals:
Urbanworld Film Festival on October 2, 2021
Bushwick Film Festival on October 20, 2021
American Black Film Festival on November 3, 2021
American Black Film Festival 2021
ABFF Jury Award
Nominee: Best/Narrative Feature, Best Director Lisbon Okafor

The Buzz:
Naijalife Magazine, say’s, “Folktales in films can either be wonderfully immersive, terrifying or in poor taste. With storylines open to interpretation, folktales can be twisted and turned by filmmakers to create extra layers of deeper, better meaning, which looks to be the case in Lisbon Okafor’s movie., say’s, “Ten-Cent Daisy”, directed by Lisbon Okafor, is the Black mermaid film you’ve been waiting for- bringing representation to the shores while tackling themes of pain, repression, and identity in an immigrant context. The follows three sisters from the Caribbean to Berkeley CA, seeking refuge after a violent act is committed against the youngest, a mermaid.”

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