Cast who appeared in todays episode:
- Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy)
- Dex Heller (Evan Hofer)
- Brick (Stephen A. Smith)
- Leo Quartermaine (Easton Rocket Sweda)
- Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell)
- Willow Tait (Katelyn MacMullan)
- Drew Cane (Cameron Mathison)
- Esme Prince (Avery Pohl)
- Elizabeth Webber-Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst)
- Nikolas Cassadine (temporarily portrayed by Adam Huss)
- Carly Spencer (Laura Wright)
- Hamilton Finn (Michael Easton)
- Jeff Webber (William R. Moses)
Sets Used on today’s episode:
- PCU Dorm
- Metro Court Bar & Restaurant
- Quartermaine Gatehouse
- Wyndemere Castle
- General Hospital
Metro Court Hotel
- Carly is at Brick’s hotel room.
- She tells him she is Carly Spencer now.
- Nina, who is following her mumbles, “what will Drew think of this?”
Quartermaine Gatehouse
- Michael and Willow are still with Drew at their gatehouse.
- Drew wants to know if he is overstepping offering to help Willow?.
- Michael goes to see Leo outside and he gives him the phone that he found.
- The phone is now dead so Michael tells Leo they will need to charge it to find out who it belongs to.
- Willow explains she doesn’t have her birth certificate.
- She thinks looking in the peace and love commune will be a dead end.
- Drew thinks they should do an article on Willow and Harmony.
- Someone knows something, hopefully they will come forward.
- She has not shared with Drew why she needs to find them.
- Drew thinks he will get results for Willow.
- Leo and Michael come inside to charge the phone.
- After the phone is charged, Michael sees missed calls and messages from Sonny.
- He takes the phone outside, using his phone he calls Dex’s phone number.
- Dex’s phone number rings, he is now worried about where he is.

General Hospital
- Elizabeth is in Finn’s office with Jeff.
- She walked in on them arguing.
- She asks why he is there.
- Finn asks how she is doing.
- She wants Jeff to leave before he makes things worse..
- Liz tells Jeff he wreaks havoc on everyone’s life.
- He is in no position to dispute it.
- Jeff apologizes to Finna for what happened to Reiko.
- Finn is summoned to the lab.
- Liz tells him to go, she can handle daddy dearest.
- Liz continued, you walked out of my life 25 years ago, you don’t get to be my dad now.
- Jeff feels there is so much left unsaid.
- He wants to make things right with his daughter.
- Jeff states that he and Carolyn have made many mistakes over the years.
- He feels they finally did something right by admitting the truth to Lizzie.
- He wants her forgiveness, he feels like the two of them are more alike than she realizes.
- Liz tells him that she is nothing like him\ and he, in fact he does not even know her, he has been gone for 25 years.
- He will not push her but he would like another chance.
- Jeff hopes he has not ruined things for her with Finn who seems like a good man.
- Finn returns and asks Liz what happened to her last night.
- She asks Finn if he has had time to think about things.
- In the meantime, Nikolas is blowing up her phone with calls and messages, she continues to ignore them.
- She says to Finn if can’t be with her anymore, she totally understands.
- They are trying to talk about it, as Nik continues with the phone road rage.
- She says you can’t be with me anymore?
- They start talking about it when Liz gets a call. She tells Finn that she wants to finish the conversation.
- She tells Finn she wants to continue their conversation, but knows Nikolas will not stop.
- Elizabeth needs to find out what the emergency is.

Metro Court Hotel
- Nina returns to Sonny in the MC restaurant.
- She asks Sonny about Brick, she remembers him mentioning some harmless flirting with Carly.
- She tells Sonny she saw Carly go into his room upstairs.
- She is certain of it.
- Sonny is sure there is a simple explanation.
- His mood seems to change.
- She does not know if it is because Carly is in the room with a good friend or what.
- Nina tells herself that she is going to stay out of everyone else’s business.
- She asks, does it matter to you about Carly?”
- Brick returns to the restaurant and Sonny ask Nina to order him something to eat.
- He approaches Brick.
- Sonny asks him about the call he got from Carly.
- Brick tells Sonny it’s not what you think.
- He explains Carly was in my room, only out of necessity.
- Brick can’t tell Sonny why she was in his room.
- It has nothing to do with you.
- Nothing compromising happened.
- Brick knows Sonny does not like the situation.
- He assures him that his loyalty is to Sonny.
- Nina returns and asks Brick if he will be joining them for dinner.
- He gives his regrets and will take a raincheck on the offer.
- Brick leaves the restaurant.
- Sonny tells Nina that Brick is not having an affair with Carly.
- She apologize and tells him she was sorry for telling him about it.
- Sonny states Carly can see who she likes, but she has to respect boundaries when it comes to his associates.

Wyndemere Castle
- Nikolas tells Esme to pack her things, throwing a bag her way.
- She replies, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
- Ignoring her, Nik tells his assistant to make sure the jet is ready.
- And to tell the servants to have the house ready and the food stocked.
- Nikolas departs.
- Esme doubles over in pain as the assistant runs over to help her.
- She is in pain and asks the assistant for help.
- Nik returns and tells his assistant to go get the first aid kit.
- He blows up Elizabeth’s phone which she finally answers and he tells her that he needs her help.
- Nik tells Esme that help is on the way.
- He tells her if she really is not in pain now, you will be soon.
PCU Dorm
- Back to Jossyn and the wounded warrior.
- She tries to cool Dex down with a wet cloth.
- She takes his temp, gives him water for hydrate and then she lectures him about working for Sonny.
- She asks why he’s risking so much and so loyal to Sonny.
- Joss notes his temperature is extremely high.
- If her mother does not get back soon, she is taking her chances and taking him to the hospital.
- Another almost moment between them, which is interrupted by a knock at the door.
- It is Carly returning with the antibiotics.
- Josslyn gives the dosage to Dex and tells him to rest.
- It does not take him long to just pass out.
- Carly thinks once the medication takes effect, hopefully by morning it will break his fever.
- Mother and daughter have a serious talk.
- Carly is fearful for the situation Josslyn has gotten herself into.
- Josslyn assures her that Dex did not come looking for her to help.
- It just happened and she intends to see it through.
Wyndemere Castle
- When Elizabeth took Nikolas’ call he told her that Esme was doubled in pain and he needed her help.
- Elizabeth arrives on the island, Nurse Liz to the rescue.
- She and Nikolas head up to the tower.
- They open the door to find Esme passed out on the floor.
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