Home » General Hospital Recap for Wednesday  November 2, 2022

General Hospital Recap for Wednesday  November 2, 2022

Daily recap for General Hospital with all the twist & turns from our point of view!

General Hospital Recap for Wednesday  November 2, 2022

Daily recap for General Hospital with all the twist & turns from our point of view!

Cast who appeared in todays episode:

  • Elizabeth Webber-Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst)
  • Carolyn Webber (Denise Crosby)
  • Jeff Webber (Wiliam R. Moses)
  • Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy)
  • Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali)
  • Jordan Ashford (Tanisha Harper)
  • Dante Falconeri (Domini Zamprogna)
  • Cody Bell (Josh Kelly)
  • Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud
  • Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)
  • Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner))
  • Carly Spencer (Laura Wright)
  • Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco
  • Damian Spinelli (Bradford Anderson)
  • Drew Cain (Cameron Matison)
  • Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn)
  • Gregory Chase (Gregory Harrison)

Sets Used on today’s episode: 

  • Webber California House
  • Metro Court Garden & Grounds
  • The Invader Offices
  • Corinthos Manor
  • Charlie’s Pub

Webber California Home

  • Jeff tells Liz again that she was the one responsible for pushing Reiko.
  • Elizabeth thinks everything her parents say is a lie.
  • We are sorry Liz but it was you.
  • Her mother thinks she is remembering the accident.
  • Liz backs off from her parents.
  • Her mom said it’s all coming back now, isn’t it?
  • Liz is having flashbacks. She realizes it was her.
  • Jeff said it was an accident. 
  • Elizabeth remembers they were arguing, she was saying horrible things to her.
  • Reiko grabbed her arm, as she struggled with her Reiko slipped and fell down the stairs.
  • Elizabeth is horrified as she realizes it was her.
  • Reiko had a traumatic brain injury from the fall.
  • It required a  blood transfusion, that’s how she contracted  the disease that killed her.
  • Elizabeth was a minor, her parents felt they had to protect her.
  • Elizabeth realizes she is the reason Reiko is dead.
  • Liz does not understand why she buried those memories.
  • Carolyn admits that she did not at first.
  • She had terrible nightmares and sleepwalking problems for weeks after.
  • Carolyn did some phytotherapy on her as she begin coaching her to suppress the memory.
  • Her parents never wanted to abandon her but it was the only way to keep Liz safe.
  • Elizabeth was sent to live with Grams while, they both requested a transfer, which was granted. 

Metro Court Garden & Grounds

  • Carly is about to share some good news with Sam about Jacksonville.
  • Drew appears at the Halloween Fair walking up behind Carly just in the nick of time. 
  • So basically Drew cuts off their conversation.
  • They both came back from Florida with a new sense of purpose.
  • Drew would like to talk to Carly alone.
  • Spinelli walks up as Sam is smiling to herself.
  • She knows exactly what Carly was about to tell her.
  • Drew informs Carly that she cannot tell Sam or anyone about them. 
  • Ned made a slight  threat to him that they could be guilty of insider trading.
  • He has already consulted with a legal expert who confirmed it could really happen.
  •  Drew feels they have to create some distance between them, long enough to let this die down. 
  • Drew explains they can’t be in a public relationship right now because he does not know if Ned will make good on his threat. 
  • Carly seems to understand.
  • Spinelli and Sam are having a little bonding time.
  • Sam wants to know if  Spinelli has decided to press delete on Society Setups?
  • Sam insists Spinelli help her find out the goods on Cody Bell.
  • After all, he could be Maxie and Mac’s family.
  • She also does not want to see Dante hurt. 
  • Spinelli agrees he will help her.
  • Both feel they should know what Cody is really up to.
General Hospital, Kelly Thiebaud, Kathleen Gati
Photo by Craig Sjodin/ABC

Charlie’s Pub

  • Scott is with Liesl and Britt having a drink at  Charlie’s.
  • Cody arrives as Britt is telling her mom and Scotty about the necklace that Peter left her.
  • Scott wants to know who invited him.
  • Britt did and she wants Scott to watch himself.
  • Muther wants to speak to Britt in private.
  • Liesl asks Britt if she shared her diagnosis with Cody.
  • Britt want’s Liesl to give Cody a chance.
  • Cody sits down with Scotty.
  • Scotty knows bad news when he smells it.
  • Cody inquiries, what does Scotty think he is  after?
  • Cody wants a do over.
  • Scotts wants to know why?
  • Cody explains that Britt is very important to him.
  • Liesl is important to Britt and he is important to her mom.
  • Cody now knows how much Scott loved his biological mother.
  • He would like for Scotty to share more about Dominique.
  • He is told that Dominique was a good woman.
  • Cody wants to learn more about his sister Serena. 
  • Britt and Liesl return and overhears them talking about Lucy.
  • Cody wants to join the search for Lucy. 
  • Liesl would like to know if Cody is going to stick around Port Charles.
  • Cody likes this town, its people, and his job.
  • So yes, he plans on making roots in Port Charles.
  • Scott is aware of the DNA test and the fact that he could be Mac’s son.
  • Britt has a coughing spell that concerns Liesl.

The Invader Offices

  • Alexis calls Jordan’s office to let her know that she got a letter from the hook killer.
  • Dante and Jordan arrive at the office to check out the letter Alexis is talking about.
  • Alexis wants to publish the letter. 
  • Jordan tells Alexis she will do no such thing.
  • She promises to give Alexis the exclusive once the hook is caught.   
  • The hook threatened Alexis to leave things alone.
  • They end it by saying they are off to see the Wizard.
  • All think the hook is referring to Oz.
  • The letter also says the hook is not looking for fame, just paying back those that have wronged them.
  • Sharp eyed Jordan notices the postmark was two weeks ago.
  • Alexis just received it today.
  • Dante says a very old typewriter was used for the letter.
  • Jordan and Dante take off.
  • Alexis makes a phone mysterious phone call,
  • Gregory arrives, Alexis tells him about the letter,
  • He wants to know what it said.
  • Alexis produces a copy of the letter she made knowing the PCPD would take the original.
General Hospital, Nancy Lee Grahn, Gregory Harrison
Photo by Craig Sjodin/ABC

Corinthos Manor

  • Joss and Trina are at Carly’s having a little girltalk.
  • Each girl wants to know what the other’s weekend was all about.
  • Joss shares that she and Cameron finally made love again.
  • She had hoped it would reconnect them, but something was off.
  • Cameron is very sweet and very important to her.
  • She feels like Esme messed things up for her because she never got to fully enjoy her first time.
  • Trina encourages Joss to live in the now, and not let Esme ruin things for her.
  • Joss wants to know what happened with her and Rory.
  • Trina says all was good until they started making out.
  • At that time it was Spencer she was thinking about and not Rory.
  • She put the brakes on any sex.
  • It is clear that Trina still has feelings for Spencer.
  • Joss shares her and Cam’s visit to see Spencer with her.
  • All he talked about was Trina the entire time. 
  • Spencer was hurt that Trina had not reached out to him.
  • Joss says he has a good heart but she does not know if he deserves Trina.
  • Trina thinks she should actually focus on the good guy she has in front of her.
  • The doorbell rings, Jordan is standing there when Joss answers.
  • If she wants to talk to her mother, she is not home at the moment.
  • Jordan explains it is her and Trina she wants to speak with, not her mother.
  • Drew drops Carly off at that moment and of course she wants to know why Jordan is there.
  • Jordan is there to let them all know that Brando was not the target that night.
  • She explains it was Josslyn the hook was after.
  • Brando was in the wrong place at the wrong time. 
  • Trina realizes that all the victims have been connected to her.
General Hospital, Tabyana Ali

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