Another one is in the books as the historic 90th Anniversary of The Hollywood Christmas Parade Supporting Marine Toys for Tots, now celebrating their legendary 75th Anniversary! It happened live on the streets of Hollywood, CA as the parade made its way down the 3.2 mile trek starting at Orange Street and Hollywood Boulevard on a 50’ x 330’ Red Carpet on Sunday, November 27, 2022 at 6:00 p.m it also included live performance’s.
Led by Grand Marshal Danny Trejo, the prolific Actor, Author and Restaurateur. Hosted by Erik Estrada, Laura McKenzie, Dean Cain and Montel Williams, with Special Co-Host Elizabeth Stanton, Host of Season Three of The CW’s hit television show, World’s Funniest Animals.

Some of our favorite day time stars were on hand to help the celebration.
General Hospital: Finola Hughes (Sadie Young/daughter), Donnell Turner, and Vernee Watson (with Bob Hearts Abishola co-stars).
Days of Lives: Deidre Hall (David Sohmer/son), Patrika Darbo, Mike Manning.
Bold and The Beautiful: Patrick Duffy and girlfriend Linda Purl.
Young and The Restless: Kate Linder
The Bay: Kristos Andrew, Gregory Martin.

The Hollywood Christmas Parade supports Marine Toys for Tots who is currently commemorating its famous 75th year.
The live parade this year featured numerous Hollywood A-listers and VIPs, 13 Pre-Parade and Parade Performers, 12 award-winning bands from across the nation, including an international band from Cochabamba, Bolivia, 10 novelties, four vibrant floats, including the brand-new DINOSAURS IN THE VALLEY, four colorful floats, 10 balloons, and 39 movie cars.
The parade came to a close with the arrival of Santa Claus and his reindeer, officially kicking off the holiday season!

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