This is what happened on ‘General Hospital’ today!
Cast who appeared in todays episode:
- Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard)
- Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton)
- Ava Jerome (Maura West)
- Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma)
- Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud)
- Terry Randolph (Cassandra James)
- Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)
- Cody Bell (Josh Kelly)
- Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy)
- Selina Wu (Lydia Look)
- Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali)
- Marshall Ashford ( Robert Gossett)
- Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr)
- Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner)
- Mac Scorpio (John J York)
- Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner
- Holly Sutton (Emma Samms)
- Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers)
Sets Used on today’s episode:
- Baylor Woods
- Quartermaine Estate
- The Savoy
- Robinson-Ashford Beach House

Baylor Woods
- PCPD has the cabin surrounded where Holly is expected to be.
- The Cabin blows up.
- Holly is shown running out of the burning cabin.
- Robert is screaming Holly’s name, he runs to cover her with a blanket and screams No!
- Jordan tells her officers to secure the area.
- Mac moves Robert away from Holly.
- The paramedic report she has burns over 75% of her body.
- They load her up in the ambulance and take off.
- Down the highway a bit and out of site, the ambulance pulls over.
- The driver steps out, who turns out to be Felicia Scorpio.
- Robert and Holly are seated in the ambulance as she opens the door, both of them unharmed.
- It was all a planned mission.
- Felicia hands some clothes to Holly so that she can change.
- Very happy everything fits.
- Because this was a planned mission, Felicia was at the cabin when Holly arrived.
- She had flame retardant clothes for her and showed her how to use them.
- Felicia also supplied her with a new passport.
- Reports will have Holly comatose and in a coma.
- She will have to be life flighted out of Port Charles to a burn facility that can handle long term patients and advanced treatment for her burns.
- Victor will not suspect that he has been had.
- He must believe that Holly is of no more use to him.
- Another part of their plan was to get Selina Wu on board.
- Before going to the cabin Holly sets up a meeting with Wu to sell her a diamond from the necklace that is everyone’s focus at the moment.
- Holly asks Wu in return that Selina gives this vial of drugs to Victor.
- She asks Holly what Victor did to her.
- He is holding my son hostage.
- Selina is on board.
- Holly says it is in the 9th circle.
- Back at the cabin, Mac tells Jordan that the firefighters pulled part of the briefcase out of the fire.
- They are still searching for the necklace,
Robinson-Ashford Beach House
- Marshall is sitting outside getting some fresh air and cleaning his clarinet.
- Trina is slipping out of the house, hoping to not be seen.
- Portia & Curtis are discussing the holidays.
- Curtis plans to spend as time as possible with his father.
- He asks Portia what were the chances of him having an episode.
- Portia cannot answer that question, that is not her field of medicine.
- They begin to wonder why they have not seen Trina.
- They find her outside with Marshall.
- Curtis reminds Marshall that the game is about to start.
- He and Portia head inside leaving Curtis & Trina alone.
- Again, Trina is not a happy camper with Curtis.
- She tells him that she is aware he posted Marshall outside to keep an eye on her.
- He is guilty, but only to watch out for Esme.
- Portia and Marshall are getting comfy inside.
- She tells him that the family was hoping he would play his trumpet for them tonight.
- Did his illness ever affect his desire to play his music?
- Marshall answers no, not the music, only his ambitions.
- Portia explains that was then and this now.
- treatment for schizophrenia has evolved over the years and really should look into it.
- Marshall being the old timer he is, doesn’t think they can tell him anything he does not already know.
- Tina and Curtis join them and all settle in for a good game and some much needed family time.

Quartermaine Estate
- Chase asks Brookie if she was ever going to tell me about the letter that Dante asked her to write?
- Brookie reminds Chase that we have been busy.
- She is also shocked that Dante mentioned it to him.
- Chase wants to know when was she going to tell him
- Never, he suggested.
- She replies that she meant to tell him but wanted to get Linc first.
- Brookie didn’t want to tell him because of her & him.
- She explains she has never had this before.
- There is intimacy between me and you.
- The gift is every minute she gets closer to him she thought he would forget about the badge.
- He reminds her that he is not Chase the singer.
- He did the singing thing to maker her happy but she knew he was first a detective.
- That is where his heart is, he wants his badge back and he wants to do good things on the PCPD force.
- His life has to be his choice
- She took that choice away from him.
- Chase tells Brookie they are over.
- Chase, think about what you are saying. We can work this out.
- He cannot be with someone he does not trust.
The Savoy
- This must be the place to be tonight, the Savoy is hopping!
- Ava is having her signature martini.
- Britt slides up on one of the barstools next to her.
- They are having a little small talk about how Thanksgiving was for each of them.
- Cody sees them from a distance.
- Britt tells Ave that she is trying to check things off her to-do list before it’s too late.
- Liesl wants to talk to Cody, they move out of ear shot,
- She explains Britt does not have time for a romance right now, she only needs her mother.
- She tells Cody if it is money he wants to name his price
- Cody doesn’t want her money.
- He wanted Britt but she wanted nothing to do with him.
- Nikolas approaches the ladies and over hears them talking about sex, you know tale end of the conversation.
- He says it is hard to follow the best.
- Selina is sitting with Victor trying to schmooze him.
- Victor gets a text from Gavin about Holly.
- Wu and Victor are in deep conversation and he is telling her about Nikolas & Ava.
- Back to Liesl & Cody who tells her that Britt does not have to worry about him,
- But he has noticed that something is wrong with Britt, can she fill him in
- Leisl tells him that Britt is really none of his business.
- Over at the bar, Britt orders another round.
- After her first sip she is about to fall off the bar stool..
- Victor and Selina run to her rescue, suggesting they put her in a cab and send her home.
- Britt insisted she only had one drink.
- Victor realizes she is not drunk, she’s sick.
- Liesl hears him mentioning Faison and pushes him away from Britt.
- Cody walks up and tells Victor he needs to go for a walk,
- Britt is worried that Victor is going to tell everyone she is sick.
- Liesl says he will not, plus there is a special place in hell for men like him.
- Ava tells Nik that Victor will not be happy seeing them together.
- Nikolas doesn’t care, he tells her he has no plans on divorcing her.
- She tells him about her new assignment.
- How she agreed to be bait for the PCPD.
- Mac thinks Ryan can lead us to Esme.
- Nik says you can’t put self In Ryan’s presence.
- Ava tells him she has to help Trina.
- As Liesl and Britt walk out of the Savoy, Britt says she is going to throw herself the
- biggest birthday party.
- Over at the odd couples table, Selina slips the drug into Victor’s drink.
- He takes a sip from his drink then proceeds to smash the glass.

Holly & Robert Say Goodbye
- Out in the middle of nowhere, the two past lovers say their goodbyes.
- They kiss goodbye and she turns to leave.
- He asks her if she is forgetting something?
- She says she almost forgot.
- Holly hands him the diamond necklace.
- As she’s walking away she turns and blows him a kiss and tells him to be very careful.