A few happenings in Genoa City this week.
Monday, December 5, 2022
Is Victor, who takes matters into his own hands and threatens Chance, really ready to learn the truth about him and Abby’ split? Why does Sharon intervene and advise Victor to relax?
At the Abbot residence, Diane opens the door to a horrifying scene. None other than Jeremy Stark is staring her dead in the eyes. How could she allow danger inside the house where she has the ones she loves the most?
Sally and Adam are still in the afterglow of some very steamy sex when Nick, who has been in Sally’s corner and her staunch defender, surprises them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Daniel is secretive. That could encompass a wide range of conjectures. Is he keeping something secret about his wife and kid? Or perhaps he held back information from Lily and Devon. The options are limitless.
He has supported Chelsea throughout her recovery process, so why wouldn’t he intervene today to cheer her up? He needs to consider the impact on his and Lily’s relationship of his “I must continue to save Chelsea” mentality.
Now what, Sally? How are you going to turn this around to get yourself out of this jam with Nik?
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
Jack issues Phyllis with a warning. Don’t waste your breath on that one, Jack, LOL. Ultimatums never result in a positive response from Phyllis, ever.
Well, the writing was on the wall from get go when Audra seduced Noah. How is that going to affect his new budding romance with Allie? What goes on behind closed doors, somehow always finds itself revealed.
Tucker, Tucker, Tucker what trick are you pulling out of your hat now that you are revealing a new alliance?

Thursday, December 8, 2022
Nikki need not worry because Victor would never let anything happen to his wifey; serious measures have been put in place for her safety now that Phyllis has essentially brought Jeremy Stark to town putting everyone in danger.
Kyle has had it with Ashley and her cohorts “We must run Diana out of town” campaign, Enough already auntie, you folks have gotten on my last nerve.
Nik tests his daughter Summer. Will she come through for her fathers, or will he be disappointed?
Friday, December 9, 2022
Chance makes a very bold move, but he must be very careful as Victor has eyes on him at all times. Never a good sign to be in his cross hairs!
Nate has a change of heart, oh well this one has done so many shady things by betraying his family for the approval of Victoria to Elena to Nik Newmans warnings. What new path will he take?
Jack might want to think twice when he calls Jeremy Stark’s bluff. This past has proved this is a very dangerous man, just saying!
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