On today’s episode of “General Hospital.”
Cast who appeared in todays episode:
- Ava Jerome (Maura West)
- Laura Collins (Genie Francis)
- Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Chavez)
- Nikolas Cassadine (Marcus Coloma)
- Trina Robinson (Tabyana Ali)
- Elizabeth Webber-Baldwin (Rebecca Herbst)
- Scott Baldwin (Kin Shriner)
- Cameron Webber (William Lipton)
- Josslyn Jacks (Eden McCoy)
- Dex Heller (Evan Hofer)
- TJ Ashford (Tajh Bellow)
- Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna)
- Esme Prince (Avery Pohl)
- Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)
- Britt Westbourne (Kelly Thiebaud)
Sets Used on today’s episode:
- General Hospital
- Reeves Penthouse on Carlyle
- Kelly’s Dinner
- The Haunted Star
- Apt #34 (Dex Heller residence)
Synopsis: Mayor Collins seeks out Ava’s help in saving her son Nikolas. Ava does not share the Esme fiasco but does tell Laura she is mad as hell at him. They have a heart to heart about regrets. Laura shares Ava would not have been her first choice for her son but was wrong and tells Ava she is the best think to happen to Nikolas. At that moment Nikolas calls to let Ava know Esme is in the hospital & being interiaged by the police. Her, Lizzie and Nikolas need to get their stories straight. Can you imagine all three of them in jail cells next to each other?

After making love with Dex, Josslyn goes to Kelly’s to find Cameron. She tells him they need to talk. It goes downhill from there. She literally breaks his heart, telling him she will always love him but she is no longer in love with him. She still wants to remain friends, Cam wants nothing to do with that. Cameron tells her he is still in love with her and being friends again can never happen. All while Dex, who escorted Josslyn, is waiting outside in the shadows. Imagine when all that is revealed.
Meanwhile over at General Hospital it is going down. After passing out at Spencer and Trina’s feet she is taken to the hospital where everyone is shocked to see that she is very pregnant. Dante is in her hospital room asking questions. Esme claims she now has amnesia and why is he calling her that? Of course not one out in the corridor thinks she is telling the truth. Spencer, Trina, Nikolas & Lizzie are all there. Soon Ava arrives followed by Laura. All is revealed when Trina tells Ava that Esme is pregnant. Ava confronts Nikolas who wants to go somewhere private. Ava wants the world to know what bad behavior Nikolas has been up too. She demands answers from him in front of everyone that includes Dante, is the baby Esme is carrying his? In a very low voice he says yes it is. Ava slaps him so hard it can be heard thought the hospital.

Over at the Haunted Star, Britta has returned to be with her mother where she collapsed from the hook attack. Liesl is trying desperately to get help, the ambulance is 10 minutes out and so she is going to put her daughter in her car and take her to GH. Her Britta tells her that it is too late she has been poisoned by the hook. What she really wants is for her mother to just hold her like she should have as a child, her mother is so happy to do so and tells her how proud she is of her and that she loves her very much. She never heard those words as Dr Britt Westbourne dies in her mothers arms.

Executive Producer: Frank Valentini
Head Writers: Don O’Connor & Chris Van Eaton
Script writer for today’s show: Shannon Peace
Director for today’s show: Allison Reames Smith
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