February is the birthday month for the following cast members. DebbieMorrisTV.com wishes Denise and Thorsten the happiest of birthdays.
Denise Richards celebrates her birthday on February 17

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” -Henry David Thoreau
Thorsten Kaye celebrates his birthday on February 22

“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” -Tony Robbins
Interesting facts about the month of February.
The odds of being born on February 29th are about 1 in 1,461. Those born on a leap day can be called a “leaper” or “leapling.”
February, March, and November always start on the same day of the week unless it is a leap year.
It was in February 1964 when The Beatles made their first American television appearance on the “Ed Sullivan Show.” Over 73 million Americans watched!
On February 3, 1959 rock and roll singers, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and the Big Bopper J.P. Richardson died in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa along with the pilot Roger Peterson.
February 4, 1949 Ruth Handler invents the iconic Barbie Doll.
Social Media platform Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004.
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