May is the birthday month for the following cast members. wishes the happiest of birthdays to, Michael, Marc, Evan, Rebecca, Jophielle, Kelly, Genie, Anthony and Gregory.
Michael E Knight celebrates his birthday on May 7.

Count not the candles…see the lights they give. Count not the years, but the life you live.
Marc Samuel celebrates his birthday May 8.

Your life is just about to pick up speed and blast off into the stratosphere. Wear a seat belt and be sure to enjoy the journey.
Evan Hofer celebrates his birthday May 8.

Today is the oldest you have been, and the youngest you will ever be. Make the
Alley Mills celebrates her special day on May 9.

This year, I’m letting my dreams blossom.
Rebecca Herbst celebrates her birthday on May 12.

Your age isn’t you. Use today to feel your best, celebrate and be your very happiest.\
Jophielle Love will enjoy her birthday on May 20.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is just rumors, but today is the present and to experience it is a gift.
Kelly Monaco will celebrate her day of birth on May 23. Happy Birthday!

Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research~
Genie Francis will be celebrating her birthday on May 26.

The old believe everything; the middle-aged suspect everything; the young know everything~
Anthony Geary will enjoy his birthday on May 29, cheers to 2023~

To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent – that is to triumph over old age.
Gregory Harrison will celebrate his birthday on May31~

To me, old age is always 15 years older than I am.
Fun Facts about May Birthdays
May birthstone ~is the Emerald. It’s such a gorgeous color! According to the American Gem Society, Emeralds are associated with foresight, good fortune, and youth. The Emerald is also the rarest of the birthstone.
Zodiac Signs for May are either ~ Taurus or Gemini – two signs that have a lot going for them! Birthdays between May 1st and 20th fall under Taurus and are known to be smart, ambitious, and trustworthy. May babies born from May 21st on are Geminis, and are said to be more passionate and dynamic.
May 5 is Cinco de Mayo (“The Fifth of May”). This day celebrates the victory of the Mexican army over the French army at The Battle of Puebla in 1862.
May 14 is Mother’s Day—don’t forget! Do you have something planned to show appreciation for your mother?
May 20 is Armed Forces Day, which honors those who serve in all branches of the United States military.
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